
Wexford Harbour, Co Wexford


Appeal Ref Appellant Site Ref Subject matter of appeal Applicant Licence Type Determination Date Minister's Decision Status of Appeal Oral Hearing Requested
AP34/2019 Birdwatch Ireland T03/30E Appeal against the decision by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine to grant (with variations) an Aquaculture Licence to T.L Mussels Ltd., on site ref: T03/30E for the bottom cultivation of mussels on a site on the foreshore at Wexford Harbour, Co. Wexford T.L Mussels Ltd Renewal Bottom Cultivation of Mussels  30 September 2024 Grant with variation Stage 3: Information Gathering No


Notice of Appeal

Date Appeal Ref View Document
09 October 2019 AP34/2019 AP34-2019 - Redacted Appeal (pdf 2,326Kb) 


Administration of Appeal

Date Document Type View Document
26 November 2019 Acknowledgement of Appeal AP34/2019 - Acknowledgement of Appeal (pdf 122Kb) 
26 November 2019 Notification of Appeal AP34/2019 - Notification of Appeal (pdf 504Kb) 
Time Extensions
Received 09 October 2019 09 March 2020 (Original) N/A
31 January 2020 31 December 2020 AP34/2019 - 2020 February Time Extensions (pdf 515Kb) 
05 November 2020 30 June 2021 AP34/2019 - 2020 November Time Extensions (pdf 724Kb) 
29 April 2021 30 June 2022 AP34/2019 - 2021 May Time Extensions (pdf 332Kb) 
12 May 2022 31 December 2022 AP34/2019 - 2022 May Time Extensions (pdf 579Kb) 
15 December 2022 30 June 2023 AP34/2019 - 2022 December Time Extensions (pdf 133Kb) 
23 June 2023 30 March 2024 AP34/2019 - 2023 June Time Extensions (pdf 482Kb) 
01 March 2024 30 September 2024 AP34/2019 - 2024 March Time Extensions (pdf 1,035Kb) 



Date of Request Date of Receipt View Document
26 November 2019 09 December 2019 AP34-2019 - Consolidated DAFM Files (pdf 18,895Kb) 
August 2016 Wexford Harbour Conclusion Statement - DAFM AP34-48/2019 - Wexford Harbour Conclusion Statement - DAFM (pdf 303Kb) 
Annex I - Wexford Harbour SAC AA Report - Marine Institute AP34-48/2019 - Annex I - Wexford Harbour SAC AA Report - MI (pdf 1,633Kb) 
Annex II - Wexford Harbour SPA AA Report - Atkins AP34-48/2019 - Annex II - Wexford Harbour SPA AA Report - Atkins (pdf 6,364Kb) 
Summary Report - Wexford Harbour Natura 2000 Sites - Marine Institute AP34-48/2019 - Summary Report - Wexford Harbour Natura 2000 Sites - MI (pdf 511Kb) 


Observations - Sections 44 (Party) & 45 (Non-Party)

Date of Receipt  From View Document
15 January 2020 An Taisce AP34/2019 - Observations from An Taisce (pdf 3,271Kb) 
13 January 2020 William Fry (on behalf of the licencees) AP34/2019 - Observations from Licensees (pdf 263Kb) 


Information Requests

Date Recipient View Request Date Received View Submission
18 November 2021 BIM AP34-48/2019 - S47 request to BIM (pdf 146Kb)  05 May 2022 AP34-48/2019 - S47 response from BIM (pdf 13,424Kb) 
29 June 2023 Minister AP34/2019 - S46 request to the Minister (pdf 89Kb)  23 September 2023 AP34-48/2019 - S46 response from Minister (pdf 713Kb) 
29 June 2023 Applicant AP34/2019 - S46 request to Applicant (pdf 97Kb)     
29 June 2023 Appellant AP34/2019 - S46 request to Appellant (pdf 251Kb)     
29 June 2023 An Taisce AP34-48/2019 - S46 request to An Taisce (pdf 109Kb)  29 September 2023 AP34-48/2019 - S46 response from An Taisce (pdf 123Kb) 
29 June 2023 MI AP34-48/2019 - S46 request to MI (pdf 92Kb)  20 September 2023 AP34-48/2019 - S46 response from MI (pdf 849Kb) 
29 June 2023 BIM AP34-48/2019 - S46 request to BIM (pdf 112Kb)   


29 June 2023 NPWS AP34-48/2019 - S46 request to NPWS (pdf 100Kb)   


29 June 2023 IFI AP34-48/2019 - S46 request to IFI (pdf 94Kb)   


23 August 2023 MI AP34-48/2019 - S46 request to MI (pdf 12,727Kb)  20 September 2023 AP34-48/2019 - S46 response from MI (pdf 3,018Kb) 
23 August 2023 NPWS AP34-48/2019 - S46 request to NPWS (pdf 12,863Kb)  26 September 2023 AP34-48/2019 - S46 response from NPWS (pdf 712Kb) 
31 January 2024 An Taisce AP34-48/2019 - S46 request to An Taisce (pdf 248Kb)     
31 January 2024 MI AP34/2019 - S46 Request to MI (pdf 259Kb)     
31 January 2024 BIM AP34-48/2019 - S46 request to BIM (pdf 260Kb)     
31 January 2024 NPWS AP34-48/2019 - S46 request to NPWS (pdf 227Kb)     
31 January 2024 IFI AP34-48/2019 - S46 request to IFI (pdf 250Kb)     
31 January 2024 Minister AP34/2019 - S46 request to the Minister (pdf 179Kb)     
31 January 2024 Applicant AP34/2019 - S46 request to Applicant (pdf 216Kb)     
31 January 2024 Appellant AP34/2019 - S46 request to Appellant (pdf 251Kb)     
20 February 2024 Applicant AP34/2019 - S46 extension to Applicant (pdf 94Kb)     
21 February 2024 An Taisce AP34-48/2019 - S46 extension to An Taisce (pdf 533Kb)     
21 February 2024 MI AP34/2019 - S46 extension to MI (pdf 89Kb)     
21 February 2024 BIM AP34-48/2019 - S46 extension to BIM (pdf 530Kb)     
21 February 2024 NPWS AP34-48/2019 - S46 extension to NPWS (pdf 105Kb)     
21 February 2024 IFI AP34-48/2019 - S46 extension to IFI (pdf 97Kb)     
21 February 2024 Minister AP34/2019 - S46 extension to the Minister (pdf 224Kb)     
21 February 2024 Appellant AP34/2019 - S46 extension to Appellant (pdf 903Kb)     


Technical Reports

Date Type View Document
01 June 2023 KRC Wexford Harbour Report AP34-48/2019 - Wexford Harbour KRC Report (pdf 1,335Kb) 
05 December 2023 KRC Supplementary Report AP34-48/2019 - Wexford Harbour KRC Supplementary Report (pdf 374Kb)