
Bertraghboy Bay, Co Galway


Appeal Ref Appellant Site Ref Subject matter of appeal Applicant Licence Determination Date Minister's Decision Status of Appeal Oral hearing Requested

Eamonn Ross (on behalf of National Anglers Representative Association)

T09/093 Appeal against the decision of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine to grant an Aquaculture Licence to The Marine Institute to cultivate various species of finfish, shellfish and seaweeds for research purposes on the foreshore on site T09/093 at Lehannah Pool, Bertraghboy Bay, Co.Galway Marine Institute Renewal 30 August 2024 Grant Stage 3: Information Gathering No

Peter Sweetman, and on behalf of Wild Ireland Defence, Federation of Irish Salmon and Seatrout Anglers and Galway Bay Against Salmon Cages.



Notice of Appeal

Date Appeal Ref View Document
07 February 2023 AP2/2/2023 AP2-2-2023 - Redacted Appeal (pdf 424Kb) 
26 January 2023 AP2/1/2023 AP2-1-2023 - Redacted Appeal (pdf 320Kb) 


Administration of Appeal

Date Document Type View Document
08 February 2023 Acknowledgement of Appeals AP2/1-2/2022 - Acknowledgement of Appeals (pdf 111Kb) 
06 March 2023 Notification of Appeals AP2/1-2/2023 - Notification of Appeals (pdf 118Kb) 
11 April 2023 Consolidation Letter AP2/1-2/2022 - Consolidation Letters (pdf 123Kb) 
30 May 2023 Consolidation Update AP2/1-2/2022 - Consolidation Amendment (pdf 137Kb) 
Time Extension Letters
 Received 02/02/2023 08 June 2023 (Original) N/A
25 May 2023 31 May 2024 AP2/1-2/2023 - 2023 May Time Extensions (pdf 179Kb) 
24 April 2024 30 August 2024 AP2/1-2/2023 - 2024 April Time Extensions (pdf 218Kb) 



Date of Request Date of Receipt View Document
06 March 2023 14 March 2023 AP2/1-2/2023 - DAFM File Combined (pdf 15,197Kb) 


Observations - Sections 44 (Party) & 45 (Non-Party)

Date of Receipt  From View Document
04 April 2023 Marine Institute AP2/1-2/2023 - Observations from Marine Institute (pdf 37Kb) 


Information Requests

Date Recipient View Request Date Received  View Submission
20 December 2023 Marine Institute AP2/1-2/2023 - S46 Request to MI (pdf 184Kb)  14 February 2024 AP2/1-2/2023 - S46 response from MI (pdf 21,756Kb)