
Trawbreaga Bay, Co Donegal


Appeal Ref Appellant Site Ref Subject matter of appeal Applicant Licence Type Determination Date Minister's Decision Status of Appeal Oral hearing Requested
AP3/2023 Foylantic Ltd T12/572 Appeal against the decision of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine to refuse an aquaculture license to Foylantic Ltd. to cultivate Pacific Oysters using bags & trestles on the inter-tidal foreshore on a 0.78 hectare site (T12/572A) in Trawbreaga Bay, Co. Donegal. Foylantic Ltd New License Pacific Oysters using bags & trestles 04 April 2024 Refuse Stage 5: Determination Made No


Notice of Appeal

Date Appeal Ref View Document
01 February 2023 AP3/2023 AP3-2023 - Redacted Appeal (pdf 480Kb) 


Administration of Appeal

Date Document Type View Document
08 February 2023 Acknowledgement of Appeal AP3/2023 - Acknowledgement of Appeal (pdf 41Kb) 
06 March 2023 Notification of Appeal AP3/2023 - Notification of Appeal (pdf 217Kb) 
Time Extension Letters
 Received 01/02/2023 01 June 2023 (Original) N/A
25 May 2023 31 December 2023 AP3/2023 - May Time Extensions (pdf 243Kb) 
23 November 2023 30 June 2024 AP3/2023 - 2023 November Time Extensions (pdf 86Kb) 



Date of Request Date of Receipt View Document
06 March 2023 15 March 2023 AP3/2023 - DAFM File Combined (pdf 57,033Kb) 


Technical Reports

Date  Type View Document
August 2021 Appropriate Assessment Screening - SPA AP3/2023 - Appropriate Assessment MI SPA (pdf 11,129Kb) 
August 2021 Appropriate Assessment Screening - SAC AP3/2023 - Appropriate Assessment MI SAC (pdf 1,972Kb) 
July 2022 AA Conclusion Statement AP3/2023 - Appropriate Assessment Conclusion Statement (pdf 184Kb) 
20 March 2024 Technical Advisor Report AP3/2023 - Technical Advisor Report (pdf 2,081Kb) 



Date Document Type View Document
04 April 2024 Determination AP3/2023 - Determination (pdf 891Kb) 
05 April 2024 Notification of Determination AP3/2023 - Determination notice to All Parties (pdf 103Kb) 
11 April 2024 Newspaper Notification AP3/2023 - Determination Notice in Newspaper (pdf 285Kb)