
Ballyteigue Bay, Co Wexford


Appeal Ref Appellant Site Ref Subject matter of appeal Applicant Licence Type Determination Date Minister's Decision Status of Appeal Oral hearing Requested
AP5/2023 An Taisce T03/095A Appeal against the decision of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine to grant an Aquaculture and Foreshore Licence to Johnny Neville & Jeannette Brugman to cultivate pacific oysters using bags and trestles on intertidal foreshore at site T03/095A, a 1.6459 hectare site in the coastal lagoon of Ballyteigue Burrow in Ballyteigue Bay, Co Wexford. Johnny Neville & Jeannette Brugman New License Pacific Oysters using bags & trestles 30 October 2024 Grant Stage 3: Information Gathering Yes


Notice of Appeal

Date Appeal Ref View Document
 Received 02/02/2023  AP5/2023 AP5-2023 - Redacted Appeal (pdf 531Kb) 


Administration of Appeal

Date Document Type View Document
08 February 2023 Acknowledgement of Appeal AP5/2023 - Acknowledgement of Appeal (pdf 27Kb) 
06 March 2023 Notification of Appeal AP5/2023 - Notifications of Appeal (pdf 205Kb) 
Time Extension Letters
 Received 02/02/2023 08 June 2023 (Original) N/A
25 May 2023 31 December 2023 AP5/2023 - 2023 May Time Extensions (pdf 532Kb) 
23 November 2023 30 April 2024 AP5/2023 - 2023 November Time Extensions (pdf 521Kb) 
05 April 2024 30 October 2024 AP5/2023 - 2024 April Time Extenstions (pdf 129Kb) 



Date of Request Date of Receipt View Document
06 March 2023 15 March 2023 AP5/2023 - DAFM File Combined (pdf 22,578Kb) 


Observations - Sections 44 (Party) & 45 (Non-Party)

Date of Receipt  From View Document
11 March 2020 Johnny Neville AP5/2023 - Observations from Licensee (pdf 1,191Kb) 


Information Requests

Date Recipient View Request View Submission
12 October 2023 Marine Institute AP5/2023 - S46 Request to Marine Institute (pdf 341Kb)  AP5/2023 - S46 Response from MI (pdf 1,992Kb) 
07 December 2023 All Parties AP5/2023 - S46 Request to All Parties (pdf 231Kb) 

AP5/2023 - S46 response from An Taisce (pdf 127Kb) 

AP5/2023 - S46 response from Applicant (pdf 766Kb) 

AP5/2023 - S46 response from Minister (pdf 113Kb) 


Technical Reports

Date Type View Document
26 September 2023 Technical Advisers Report  AP5/2023 - Ballyteigue TAR (pdf 1,537Kb)